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Chrysanthemum Garden Mums Collection

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Send Chrysanthemum Garden Mums Collection

Nothing heralds the arrival of Autumn in the garden than good old-fashioned Chrysanths - and these amazing Hardy Garden 'Mums are just the ticket to fill your garden with colour late on in the season and on into Winter. Naturally dome forming and compact, they will make fabulous potted plants for outdoors, or neat little domes in beds and borders. They will be smothered in literally hundreds and hundreds of flowers in deep, rich Autumnal shades, their filled centres joining together to create a carpet of colour. You will get 3 plugs each of 6 colours from the Gigi series - Orange, Coral, Pink, Dark Pink, Snow and Yellow - all flowering their socks off from late August well into November. Perfection for the Autumn garden!

There are 8 voucher codes you can use if you're buying flowers from

20% off orders over £150
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Voucher Code expires 07/07/2024 at 23:59
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Terms - Not valid on Gardening Essentials or Outdoor Living.
10% off your first order
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Voucher Code expires 07/07/2024 at 23:59
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Terms - Not valid on Gardening Essentials or Outdoor Living. New customers only. One use per customer.
Lifetime Guarantee on all Hardy Plants
Deal expires 31/12/2024 at 23:59
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Terms - T&C's on-site.
YouGarden Sale | Up to 75% off
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£20 YouGarden Voucher when you join the YouGarden Discount Club
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Auto-Renewal Yearly Subscription now only £5 per year, was £20
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10% off all plants & accessories for 12 months when you join the YouGarden Discount Club
Deal expires 31/12/2024 at 23:59
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Terms - N/A
30-days returns
Deal expires 31/12/2024 at 23:59
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Terms - T&C's on-site.
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