Compare Online Florists
There are hundreds of online florists in the UK, some independant, some are part of a chain, some deliver locally only and some are online florists only - how do you know which will provide you with the best flowers?
On Send Some Flowers, we list online florists that deliver flowers across the whole of the UK. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to send beautiful flowers, that are good value for money, and that are delivered on time.
We only list the florists who are, in our opinion, the finest online florists in the UK. What criteria do we look at when judging the florists?
- easy online ordering
- prices and delivery costs that are clearly displayed
- a wide range of flowers
- florists that are based in the UK and deliver to the UK
- full contact details and customer service policies
- good visual design
- fast download times
Whatever your reason for sending flowers, you want to know that the florist you're using to send flowers is going to deliver your flowers on time, and that the flowers are going to be of the quality you've paid for. Send Some Flowers is here to help you with just that.