Dozen Pink Roses
Available to order from Clare Florist

Send Dozen Pink Roses
Perfect Pink Roses for your Sweetheart With their connotations of poetic romance and sweetness, pink roses will always be a treasured romantic gift. This bouquet of a Dozen Pink Roses is beautifully created with fresh greenery and white gypsophila too, adding an enhanced element of floral beauty. If you want to make this Valentine's Day one to remember, a bouquet of a Dozen Pink Roses with personal gift message is certain to do the trick. This magnificent bouquet is also perfect as an anniversary gift or you could send to your spouse on their birthday. For extra brownie points why not throw in a box of yummy chocolates and a stylish handwritten card too? Your Dozen Pink Roses includes standard flower delivery anywhere throughout the UK. You also get a 7 day freshness guarantee and 100% satisfaction guarantee for your complete peace of mind. Premium grade fresh pink roses with gyspsophila and greenery Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK with your own personal gift message Perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations or romantic occasions 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Our fresh bouquets will last at least 7 days. Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity
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