Dozen Yellow Roses
Available to order from Clare Florist

Send Dozen Yellow Roses
For those sunny feelings of happiness - A Dozen Yellow Roses A dozen cheerful yellow roses bringing warm, sunny feelings of happiness, perfect as a gift to surprise a loved one with. Yellow Roses are a symbol of friendship, making them perfect for birthdays or to say 'thank you' or 'sorry' to a close friend. Send your special friends these perfect Dozen Yellow Roses and gypsophila hand tied and perfectly presented by our expert florists to anywhere in the UK 7 days a week using our free next working day flower delivery service. As well as being perfect for a gift, this bouquet of yellow roses is also just the thing to lend a touch of cheerfulness and colour to your own household interior. It would look great arranged in a vase upon a side table or coffee table or windowsill. Send these lovely roses which are selected and arranged by our expert florists then gift wrapped to produce a striking bouquet anybody would be thrilled to receive. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £30.00! Premium grade yellow roses with fresh greenery and white gypsophila Arranged and tied by hand by our expert florists with 40 years experience Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK with personal message included Perfect gift for Valentine's Day, Anniversaries or Birthdays 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Our fresh bouquets will last at least 7 days. Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity
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