Gilded Christmas Bouquet
Available to order from Clare Florist

Send Gilded Christmas Bouquet
For a Festive Flowerful Christmas! Celebrate the wonder of the Christmas Season with our Gilded Christmas Bouquet. Featuring a lush gathering of Red Roses, Carnations, Hypericum, Chrysanthemums and Gold Cones, this cheerful bouquet is sure to fill your home with the holiday spirit. Hand-designed by our expert florists in a vast array of warm Christmas tones, each festive bloom is carefully gathered upon a lush green backdrop to create a heart warming gift to deliver your warmest wishes. This popular Christmas arrangement is the perfect choice to send to loved ones, no matter how far away they are. Additional Options You can make your Gilded Christmas Bouquet delivery even more special by including some of our great optional extras. Why not include a cuddly christmas teddy bear to make your chosen recipient say 'awwww'? Or a handwritten card so that you can put the exact thoughtful message with your flowers? You could even write a poem! We offer free next day delivery, and we deliver to ANY location in the UK, with a 100% Guarantee that your flowers will turn up looking just wonderful.
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