Nerium oleander 'Red'
Available to order from Dobies
Send Nerium oleander 'Red'
With its remarkably long flowering season and attractive evergreen foliage, Nerium oleander 'Red' is a rewarding shrub for large patio pots. From July to October, it produces vibrant cerise-red, five-petaled flowers in clusters at the branch tips. This shrub forms a tall, bushy shape with lance-shaped, leathery, grey-green leaves, providing year-round structure in the garden. As a half-hardy plant, it's ideal for patio containers where it can be moved to a sheltered spot during the winter. It can also thrive in sheltered city gardens, coastal areas, and milder parts of the UK. This fast-growing, vigorous shrub adds a Mediterranean flair to any space. Despite its striking appearance, it?s a resilient choice for sheltered locations, withstanding drought, salt spray, and pollution. Height and spread: 3m (10ft). Since plant height and spread vary seasonally, we list by pot size rather than a fixed size. The plant you receive may differ depending on the season, so images at arrival are for reference only.
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Terms - Offer ends midnight, 31st December 2025. Discount applied in your basket. Normal delivery charges apply. Use order code SUDAW118. Please note, this offer excludes all products within our Equipment categories. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with promotional vouchers or any other promotional offer including all reader & advert offers. This offer is applicable to UK postcodes only. We are also unable to ship seeds or plants to EU countries and Northern Ireland. Normal delivery charges apply. T&C’s for our affiliate programme: We do not pay commission on any ‘Just Pay Postage’ Promotions or items purchased in our Equipment categories.
Enjoy 16% OFF when you spend £60 or over on flowers, plants, bulbs, seeds, shrubs and vegetables! You'll have plenty to choose from at Dobies to give your garden a boost all year round.
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Voucher Code expires 31/12/2025 at 23:59
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Terms - Offer ends midnight, 31st December 2025. Discount applied in your basket. Use order code SUDAW117. Normal delivery charges apply. Please note, this offer excludes all products within our Equipment categories. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with promotional vouchers or any other promotional offer including all reader & advert offers. This offer is applicable to UK postcodes only. We are also unable to ship seeds or plants to EU countries and Northern Ireland. Normal delivery charges apply. T&C’s for our affiliate programme: We do not pay commission on any ‘Just Pay Postage’ Promotions or items purchased in our Equipment categories.
Enjoy 10% off our vegetable plants when you shop from our huge range! Nurture veg plants from seedlings to fully grown plants and enjoy the delicious rewards. Our vegetable plug plants are perfect for pots, containers or moving onto the allotment.
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Voucher Code expires 28/02/2025 at 23:59
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Terms - Hurry, offer ends midnight, 28th February 2025 or while stocks last. Discount applied in your basket. Discount includes specified items only. Normal delivery charges apply. Use order code SUDAW120. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with promotional vouchers or any other promotional offer including all reader & advert offers. This offer is applicable to UK postcodes only. We are also unable to ship seeds or plants to EU countries and Northern Ireland. Normal delivery charges apply. T&C’s for our affiliate programme: We do not pay commission on any ‘Just Pay Postage’ Promotions or items purchased in our Equipment categories.
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