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Festive Opulence with Vase

Available to order from Prestige Flowers

Send Festive Opulence with Vase

Immerse yourself in holiday luxury and romance with our Festive Opulence bouquet, featuring 12 stunning red deluxe roses. Hand-tied by our master florists, this exquisite arrangement also includes the enchanting eryngium, the fragrant aroma of eucalyptus, and the delicate touch of cineraria, creating a truly breathtaking display. Share your love and devotion with this luxurious and romantic gift, perfect for anniversaries or any special occasion that deserves a grand gesture of affection during the festive season. This extraordinary bouquet comes with a delightful vase, making it the perfect gift for your recipient as they can immediately display and enjoy their bouquet. Making it the perfect gift for any occasion!
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