Rose and Freesia & New Baby Gift
Available to order from Prestige Flowers

Send Rose and Freesia & New Baby Gift
Indulge in the elegance and sophistication of this fine bouquet, featuring the perfect contrasting combination of Roses and Freesia. Our expert florists have skillfully arranged Pink Spray, White Avalanche, La Belle Roses and Freesia to enhance and complete this bouquet, emphasizing the gorgeous floral shades. This bouquet is the perfect gift for any occasion, be it to brighten someone's day, or to treat yourself to the very best. Available for UK next day delivery, send this bouquet to anyone and watch their face light up with joy. This beautiful bouquet comes with a delightful new baby postal box. This gift includes a delicious bar of Eton Mess Valley Chocolate, fragrant Marvelous Mother candle, a cuddly lullaby lamb blanket plus rattle, perfect for any new mum to enjoy!
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